AtariAge user tfhh (Jürgen van Radecke) is selling upgrade boards for 1,44MB floppies but it‘ll be hard to find a 1,44 drive that fits the Atari cutout. Those were not easy or cheap to buy even in the 90‘s.

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I've decided to stick with the 720K drive for now. It works fine with my USB floppy for moving files. I can also use the Ultra Satan and SD cards when necessary.

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I regret selling my TT030. I bought it as Atari Corp folded and cleared out their warehouses. It's such a great case. Enjoy!

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Super easy, kidding. I spent a lot of time on the forums, and found the people who do this. Contact this seller on ebay https://www.ebay.com/usr/cazmusicteacher

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There was a recent thread on AtariAge discussing a rather cheap Dell monitor that will accept 15kHz.

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I just got a Mega STE few months ago, and I love it. Also, you can get a VME to ISA bridge and install an ET4000 or Mach32 card and with the nova drivers get big 1024*768 resolutions. I have a few extra ET cards if you want. I went through similar upgrades for my US mega STE, was tough to find!

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It would be amazing to get a higher resolution from this. Where is it possible to get a VME to ISA bridge? Initial Google search don’t have much info.

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Enjoy it. I also have a Mega STe, but it's currently not on my desk. I personally more like the 1040er design, but that's personal taste. So my favored one is the 1040STe I have :)

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